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Statement Concerning the Current Situation in the Middle East

The already tense situation in the Middle East has been given additional heat today, as the Israeli Defense Forces attacked Hamas in Gaza, and a seemingly full-scale situation has emerged between Israel and guerilla forces in Lebanon.

The thoughts and prayers of myself and everyone at the campaign are directed toward those who are in harm’s way, their families, and all Americans with families and friends in the Middle East.

We will stand, as we should, in solidarity with Israel, but we must not forget nor belittle the importance of the fledgling democracy that has emerged in Lebanon. As we fight boldly against terrorism, and against those, like Hezbollah, who would seek to incite violence rather than find peace, we must remember that we have allies on both sides of this conflict.

The United States should and must urge restraint in this region, lest this conflict spin out of control. I support the reported efforts of the UN in their attempts to urge such restraint. Israel’s very existence has been disputed hotly throughout the entirety of its history, and this dispute has led to sacrifice on scales much too high.

If there is to be peace in the Middle East, we all know that it will come in the wake of bitter trials. History has shown us that mutual understanding and cooperation has often had to follow mutual sacrifice. Let us pray that the sacrifices on this already bloody alter will not be too great to bear. Let us pray that the price the world has already paid will not escalate, and that one day, Middle Eastern peace and stability will be permanent.

Danny L. Stover